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The irish setter breed


The Irish Setter originated in Ireland. Its origin cannot be traced precisely. Although the Irish were traditionally avid hunters, nothing is documented about the dogs that helped them do so. It is certain that the breed has been bred pure for several centuries. In the 15th century, before the shotgun was introduced, a net was used for hunting. The dog indicated where the game was by sitting or lying in front of it. The hunter then threw it over the dog and the birds, and the loot was in. We believe that the Irish Setter is descended from the Irish land spaniel type. It must have reached its present form in the middle of the eighteenth century. The nineteenth century saw the heyday of the Setters and Pointers. The Setters raced across the huge terrain at tremendous speeds to find and advance the game. The nose was improved through selection. The Irish Setter was initially mainly a dog of the nobility. By the end of the nineteenth century, however, it was already widely exported and the breed was also bred outside Ireland. With the rise of the dog shows, he also came into the hands of non-hunters. In the early years of the breed, there were also Setters that had the color red and white. All Setter varieties were regularly crossed with each other. Both breeds now have their own breed standard with clear differences. The Irish Setter is mainly built for speed, this had to do with the dog's field of activity. The hunting area was very extensive. In our country, however, there are few possibilities to really use the Setter as a hunting dog. Our fields are much too small for this fast dog.


The Irish Setter is pre-eminently a family dog. They are very child friendly and easy going and social. He is gentle, sensitive and affectionate. He is considered the most jolly, free and cheerful of the four Setter breeds. In addition to the Irish Setter, there are also the English Setter, the Gordon Setter and the Irish Red and White Setter. It is a sporty dog ​​that likes to stretch its legs regularly through a long walk. In the house they are quiet dogs that want to stay in the presence of the family. The Irish Setter can be described in a few words: half angel, half devil. With the right upbringing, it's an angel. In his Setter Book, Robert Gannon writes: Irish Setters are not just stately good humored and frisky playmates. They live a long time (12-13 years), are soft and affectionate. These few sentences say everything about the giftedness and versatility of the Irish Setter. What could be more beautiful than an Irish Setter? TWO Irish Setters


As with all (breed) dogs, the Irish Setter unfortunately also has hereditary defects. The breed association knows through the annual surveys what is going on in the breed and responds to this, for example with the Association Breeding Regulations. DNA tests are available for a number of abnormalities, unfortunately not for all abnormalities. PRA occurs in the breed, but because a DNA test is available, it can be prevented that dogs are born that will develop PRA. Other (hereditary) disorders are epilepsy and bloat, there are no DNA tests available for this, so one can never rule out whether a puppy is affected by this.

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